Aug 3, 2016

Fringe 2016: Yes I guess I'll keep a diary I suppose

I'm at the Edinburgh Fringe so I thought I'd keep a diary. Why not? Actually there are loads of reasons why not. Let's just press on, shall we?

It's the eve of my first show and I've just done a load of re-editing. I'm much happier now with the running order. In fact, I'm excited. One of my props is a hand-made record in a record sleeve and it's soooo cute.

I spent much of today traipsing around venues putting posters up - or being told I can't put posters up. Big thanks to Beach Hunks Jack for spurring me on and getting wallpaper paste all over my hands. Go see their show.

When I was flyering today, one chap doffed his cap to me and a coach driver gave me the thumbs up. As if to say good luck for the long performance month ahead of you.

If only they knew. I'm only doing four dates. By the time you read this, you may well have missed one of them. Check here for Hey Fat Roland details - or search 'hey idiot' on the Fringe app.

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