
Jul 19, 2008

Tim & Daisy make Jay & Bob look like ****ing Bert & Ernie

Spaced (short)

Very Short List published this sweet, concise tribute to Spaced on Thursday:

"Instead of Jay and Silent Bob, Spaced delivers Daisy and Tim, twentysomething roommates... who live and die under pop culture’s influence, the kind of people still recovering from the disappointment of Star Wars, Episode 1...." Click here read the whole thing.
But it made me wonder: are there really people out there, living breathing human-beens, who haven't clapped eyes on everyone's favourite Shaun Of The Dead prequel?

If you've never seen the series Spaced, leave a comment. I want to know you exist. And I want a full and frank explanation for your neglectful behaviour as well. Tsch.

I'll get back to blogging about electronic music soon. I promise.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I've not seen it. I'd like to say it's because I've had better things to do, but that is just not the case.

  2. There have been tentative plans to create an American version of Spaced for several years: a few weeks ago, Simon Pegg announced that they'd come to nothing. I suspect the original product was being kept back from viewers in the former colonies, because they'd make invidious comparisons. (It was on BBC America and the like.) Now, though, it's OK to give them two barrels of Amber, Bilbo and Colin the dog.

  3. Richard: no, you have nothing better to do. And why can't I view individual pages on your blog? And another thing - I'm reading Bryson's Short History and the bit about atoms has blown my mind.

    Tim: Colin was the one thing about Spaced I didn't like. I was delighted when he went missing. I think that makes me a bad person.

  4. Anonymous11:21 PM

    You can't view individual pages? That's odd. Have you tried clicking the title of a particular post from the homepage? I hope there's not some fundamental flaw in my site of which I wasn't aware.

    See, science is fun.

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    You can even watch it online at 4 on demand. No excuses. none whatsoever.

  6. Richard - I've moved our conversation to email for fear of boring everyone else here. Science is fun, but it can also burn your face off if not handled with gloves.

    Tim - the only thing that gets me about 4OD is that they called it 4OD just to be trendy. "OD" - wow, that's, like, DRUGS! This from the channel that gave us the Great Global Warming Swindle. Bring back the old days I say... Max Headroom... Network 7...

  7. Spaced is easily the best project simon pegg has been involved in for me. It's funnier than shaun of the dead and far far funnier than the dross that is hot fuzz

  8. Alan, I agree with your order of funniness (Spaced-Shaun-Fuzz), but I think Fuzz is still reasonably good compared to, um, well, most British comedy films ever.

  9. Life of Brian wasn't too bad though was it. no we do seem to be better at TV series, but then again so are the Yanks, where is their feature film equivalent of Larry Sanders, curb your enthusiasm, seinfeld et al ( i will leave the simpsons out) . I would love to see Steve Coogan come up with a 90 minute slice of brilliance to go alongside Alan Partridge, but i am not holding my breath.

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I read a review of the US DVD release of Spaced while in Minneapolis. It was nothing short of glowing.

    Then I walked into the nearest shop and found it for $69.99 or some such ridiculous price.

    Thus, America will never discover it, I suspect.

    Best sitcom ever.

  11. AlanSays - I don't think you can count the Simpsons anyway; it was a bit of a misfire. Oh and if you can, check out Coogan riffing off Rob Brydon in A Cock And Bull Story.

    Rob - *ever*, with the possible exception of Fawtly Towers.


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