
May 4, 2009

A scanner, starkly

Take a few moments to feast your puffy eyes on this video from Manchester photographer David Dunnico.

David tootled around Manchester taking stark shots of the city's CCTV cameras. He's set it to a spooky soundtrack, which got me wondering what Scanner's up to these days.

Some of the civil liberty debate directs its polemic at lifeless machines spying our every move. This video reminds us that beyond the cameras, there are real people. Watching. Staring. Judging.



  1. Glad you liked it – if you're in Exchange Square in Manchester this week and next – it's getting a showing on the BBC's Big Screen – so I suppose some of the cameras can watch it, which is something or another…

  2. Cheers, David. I like the idea of your work providing entertainment for all those lonely cameras in Exchange Square!


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