
Jun 22, 2009

Brian Cox, U R the best thing (apart from the universe-slurping cat, which is even besterer than U)

While I have my computer humped by monkeys dressed in little helicopter hats (the bloke in the computer repair shop said it had worked for him, so I'm giving it a try), I might as well plug something totally unrelated to anything on this blog.

I'm running a book launch for Brian Cox, the telly physicist who does all them programmes about big bang machines. It's happening in the Museum Of Science And Industry on July 7th and you should come along.

I last met Brian when he was in D:Ream, before that song became New Labour's anthem. He already had one foot in the physics camp, and we had some lovely pictures of him posing outside Jodrell Bank looking really, well, sciencey.

He's co-written a book with a very clever physicist called Jeff Forshaw. The book explains why E equals MC2. It's called Why Does E=MC2? (And Why Should We Care?) and it has a brilliant picture on the front of a cat lapping up a puddle-shaped universe.

If you come to the book launch, you get to meet me. And Brian Cox the telly physicist. And the very clever Jeff Forshaw. The woman on the desk at the Museum Of Science And Industry told me Bill Bailey and Neil Sedaka had been in recently, so you might get to meet them too, but only if they buy a ticket.

To buy your ticket (only one quid) and for more information, pop over to this page here.

Susan! Put the monitor down, you'll break it! Sorry, reader - I have called all the monkeys Susan, for no reason other than to provide a way of ending this blog post by referring back to the opening sentence, thereby engendering a sense of closure in the blog reading experience.


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Woo, science!

  2. Did that cardigan in the corner just move?

  3. I admire the blog post closure technique. Very professional.

  4. I am a modell of profffesionallity.

  5. By the way - I just started reading this, and have been recommending it to everyone I meet, meaning they all think I'm some rabid insane fan of science and theories that I can't explain - and I blame you!...err but it is good and everyone should read it :)

  6. I sympathise - I had a similar effect on my friends after I read Short History Of Nearly Everything!


Com(m)e(nt) To Daddy...