
Feb 17, 2012

Bleep Years day eleven: Plaid: Unbank (2011)

We're now in the second half of the Bleep Years series, in which I celebrate a decade of by shoving my hand into a top hat of years and pulling out some, er, floppy-eared rabbits. By which I mean tracks. Each randomly chosen year will feature a piece of music that somehow represents that period of my life. It's all rather self indulgent, but at least I'm only featuring each band once... oh wait...

2011: Plaid: Unbank

Well, that's annoying. My plan was to make sure no artists appeared twice in this series. Then you would think 'wow that Fat Roland has really varied and interesting taste, I want to be him, I want to marry him, I want to wear him as a stylish pair of loafers'.

Plaid were included in last Tuesday's post about 2003 in which I chugged on about whirrs and swirling and Beyonce and stuff. I also narfed on about today's track in my end-of-year round-up six weeks ago. So I'm not going to repeat myself any more than I need to.

2011 was a chuffing great year. I had my blog awards tucked neatly into my belt, and enjoyed all the free stuff you get as a result of that accolade (limousines, helicopters, one of the smaller Galápagos Islands). Actually, I think I spent my blog award money on part of a hoover. Anyhoo, I had great fun with my chums organising events, running competitions and generally crapping about the Manchester literary scene drinking gin out of boots we had stolen from poor people.

2011 was also a difficult year, with some relatively minor health gremlins limiting my mobility and, frankly, making everything slightly harder than it needed to be. How did I deal with that? Music library: Unbank: play. Music library: Unbank: play. Music library: Unbank: play. Over and over again. I hope to get healthy again, although I'm not (un)banking on it in the short term. See? Oh come on, people. You can win awards for this kind of crap. Wasted on you, this is, wasted on you. Algernon, pass me the boot.

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