
Feb 23, 2012

Bleep Years day sixteen: Luke Abbott's Brazil (2010)

The last five posts of Bleep Years start here... and it's a great track from Border Community.

2010: Luke Abbott's Brazil

Life accelerates as you get older. You start with days skipping past you in your twenties, tiny moments of thinking back to your teens when everything passed so much more slowly. And then the weeks and months start tumbling, and you either get swallowed in the landslide or you hunker down and enjoy the ride.

I am, at the time of writing, 16 million years old. My eyeballs are scorched with the burn marks of cynicism. I have less time than ever for new, magical things because I am too busy barrelling down the scree slope to death. And yet... and yet...

I could have died in 2010. Surgery on my inner splodgy bits by some very good doctors ensured a fair few years of me to come. Which is good because I haven't yet planned my techno funeral. Luke Abbott's Brazil, from an album which should have been record of the year but wasn't, did two things for me in 2010:

(1) it jet-washed the cynicism from my neolithic mind: here was a track that moved me as if I were a dewey-eyed kid all over again;

(2) it provided an emotive soundtrack to an emotional year of incredible highs (the blog awards, new friendships) and incredible lows (the oxygen mask, the bleeping hospital machines...).

Life accelerates. But when it's soundtracked by something this good, then it's worth the journey.

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