
Nov 18, 2018

Throwing shapes, lots of pretty shapes

I like a data visualisation, me. Lots of pretty shapes throwing information in your face.

Maths doesn't strike me with fear, as it does for so many. I got an A in my GCSEs, and I'm the kind of person who reads all the chart positions in the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles.

I was less keen on art at school because I'm not one for colouring within the lines. But give me a bunch of marker pens and a stack of paper, and I'll scrawl you something very out of the lines. A hypno-cat? A shark called Franklin? A devastated Gonzo? It's all there on my Instagram page.

All of which is to say, I love Sequence, the data art prints by Alex Szabo-Haslam.

You pick any album, and I mean any album at all, and its track lengths will be rendered into a tasty graphic. The Kickstarter has just smashed its funding goal, and now you can order from his website (I presume you communicate your chosen album via email).

More geeky artwork, please, world. My face loves those shapes.

Further Fats: See this? This is you, this is (2014)

Further Fats: Aphex Twin's new Cheetah EP: a sweet talkin' design (2016)

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