
Jan 14, 2010

Fat Roland challenges Words Dept: Words Dept breaks down in tears

I quite like a challenge. Like licking cats and sticking them to walls.

I once sledged in the snow with over a grand in my back pocket. It was a fun challenge and I still didn't regret it, even when I had to dry all the notes by hand afterwards.

And so, when I challenged Words Dept to name his favourite electronic albums, it seemed as simple as asking someone to do something as easy as lick a feline or lose all your life savings in a snow drift.

But it seems some considerable (and tearful) hand-wringing ensued, and it resulted in this brilliantly creative piece in which a journalist reviews his top ten as part of his top ten, and David Quinn calls me
"the über-lord of electronic music blogging"
which is obviously true, but I'm trying to keep it quiet. The moment this blog gets popular, it cheapens. Like Charles And Diana commemorative plates or Green Day picture discs.

Anyway, read Word Dept's Top Ten(ish) Electronic Music Tracks I Like. I am already a particular fan of numbers two, three, four, five, six and eleven, and the description in number six has a strange kind of genius about it.



  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Youre going to get banged

  2. Anyone for Tenish?

    Sean Connery maybe?

  3. Anonymous - that sounds like fun, but I'd rather not be banged on this occasion, thanks. I'm not a balloon.

    JPM - It's *Top* Tenish. That's a bunch of playing cards displaying pictures of Connery in various poses with assorted scores underneath.


Com(m)e(nt) To Daddy...