
Feb 9, 2019

Fat Roland's February pop anagrams - the answers

The other day, I teased you with some pop music anagrams. I'm about to give you the answers.

If you are reading this piece but you haven't yet seen the original quiz, stop reading and visit the band name anagrams quiz here.

That said, you might be the kind of person who likes spoilers. Maybe you're the sort who spoils films by saying things like "he was a ghost child all along" and "turns out his mother was a rocking chair". That's fine - read the answers before you've seen the quiz, you weirdo.

Here goes.

1. ALL HAD HATED MANSERVANT = Martha and the Vandellas

2. CUDDLY SNOT MESS = LCD Soundsystem

3. FALAFEL LOGO SUCKS = A Flock Of Seagulls

4. HALF-HEARTED MINCE NONCE - Florence and the Machine

5. I'D HATE STREAKING PUFFIN LIAR = Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti

6. LUSTY SODS CLAP = Pussycat Dolls

7. ME CEDED HOPE = Depeche Mode

8. PART-SIGHED = Death Grips

9. RATE HERPES ASS-KISS = Shakespears Sister 

10. SALT SNAIL = All Saints 

11. SKIN-SHAMING PUMPS = Smashing Pumpkins 

12. THEY POP BOSS = Pet Shop Boys

If you got between one and four right, you win a luxury yacht. If you got between five and eight right, you win a speedboat. If you got seven or more right, you win the Fyre Festival island. Congratulations.

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