Jul 29, 2020

POP RATS ANAGARMS 4: Thank you and goodbye


I've just spent 24 hours in a police cell. My crime? Posting anagrams so good, they should be illegal.

Get ready for life sentences all round, because here are two more POP RATS ANAGARMS! (It's an anagram of POP STAR ANAGRAMS, as you may or may not have noticed.) 

This is the final pair of anagrams in this series. Thanks to those who have played along on Twitter: in dedication to you all, today's anagrams are themed on "thank you" and "goodbye". The next post on this blog will have all the answers.

As with the previous posts, there are two pop acts to name. Both are successful enough to be well known names, and they're also artists I don't especially like. This whole word game is some kind of masochism on my part.

Get solving! Leave a comment or tweet me the answer, and look out for a clue further down this post.

First anagram (length of the solution's words in brackets): TA, LEUKEMIA (5,5)


Second anagram (length of the solution's words in brackets): BYE, PISS RANTER (7,6)


A brace of final bafflements for you to solve. Clue? They are both solo artists. That's all you're getting this time.

Comment if you're old school or tweet me if you're trendy and modern.

Answers coming up soon.

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