On this page, you will find a Fat Roland biography along with review quotes, relevant links, some nice photos and, at the very bottom of the page, contact details.
Fats is champion of Literary Death Match Manchester and comperes Bad Language, twice voted the UK’s best spoken word night. Regular performance places have included the Royal Exchange, Contact Theatre, Waterside Arts, Oldham Coliseum and the Edinburgh Fringe.
When he's not scribbling over the rules of alternative comedy in slightly-faded marker pen, Fats writes and illustrates a monthly column for the beautifully designed Electronic Sound magazine, alongside reviews and features.
When he's not scribbling over the rules of alternative comedy in slightly-faded marker pen, Fats writes and illustrates a monthly column for the beautifully designed Electronic Sound magazine, alongside reviews and features.
Away from the writing and performing, he spends most of his time running events for the International Anthony Burgess Foundation, a remarkable literary organisation based in a Victorian mill in Manchester. He's not saying he profits from ultraviolence, but if you buy copy of A Clockwork Orange, you're putting money in his pocket.
"Fat Roland is a comedic onslaught of musical puns, cultural references, and audience interaction... It is clear that Fat Roland is more than familiar with performance, knowing exactly how to get the room roaring with laughter, from start to finish... A fantastic combination of comedy, cartoons, and creativity." Upstaged Manchester's ***** review of Seven Inch.
“Superb audience interaction twinned with some excellent improvisation work... a must-see for any fan of music... Fat Roland’s deadpan inanity twinned with the often hilarious additions of sketches held up on cardboard is superbly executed.” – Broadway Baby on Fat Roland's debut Edinburgh Fringe show Kraftwerk Badger Spaceship.
When linking to this site in promotional material, please use www.FatRoland.co.uk.
He has recorded music as Hounds Of Hulme, whose eponymous 2015 album was released on Electronic Sound Music Club. Under his real name Ian Carrington, Fats wrote the sleeve notes for the New Clockwork Music album, released by Electronic Sound in 2019.
Sometimes Fats writes short stories and he has produced two collections, long sold out. He has been commended in the Manchester Fiction Prize. Sometimes he makes videos. Read more about Fat Roland's career here.
See upcoming gigs on the live page - and yes, Fat Roland is available for hire for alternative literature, comedy, cabaret and theatre nights.
See upcoming gigs on the live page - and yes, Fat Roland is available for hire for alternative literature, comedy, cabaret and theatre nights.
"Fat Roland is a comedic onslaught of musical puns, cultural references, and audience interaction... It is clear that Fat Roland is more than familiar with performance, knowing exactly how to get the room roaring with laughter, from start to finish... A fantastic combination of comedy, cartoons, and creativity." Upstaged Manchester's ***** review of Seven Inch.
"A unique and fun hour of comedy with gags and stories aplenty funny... a silly and entertaining show that comedy and music fans will love, it certainly sets the standard high... this is certainly a show to catch." The Reviews Hub's **** review of Seven Inch.
“Superb audience interaction twinned with some excellent improvisation work... a must-see for any fan of music... Fat Roland’s deadpan inanity twinned with the often hilarious additions of sketches held up on cardboard is superbly executed.” – Broadway Baby on Fat Roland's debut Edinburgh Fringe show Kraftwerk Badger Spaceship.
“An hour of delights and absurdities. Masterfully crafted and utterly compelling.” Audience review
“Easily one of the top ten Edinburgh comedy shows I’ve seen.” Audience review
“Hilarious, clever, sweet and the best cartoons you’ll see all festival.” Audience review
“It’s funny, it’s surreal, it’s really quite moving at times.” Audience review
“Fat Roland at the Edinburgh Fringe is like hot elephant soup after being chased by a rabid Sean Ryder.” Audience review
Want my job? Fat Roland: music journalist, comedian & live literature co-ordinator
Five star review of Seven Inch.
Four star review of Seven Inch.
The Developed With scheme that suppports all this nonsense.
Fat Roland wins support of The Lowry's flagship 'Developed With' scheme.
Our own Fat Roland joins panel at Manchester Electronic Music Symposium.
Hey Fat Roland! 40 Minutes Of Idiot: 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show with Laughing Horse.
Fat Roland wins Literary Death Match Manchester, 2016.
Kraftwerk Badger Spaceship longlisted in the 2016 Saboteur Awards.
Kraftwerk Badger Spaceship: 2015 Edinburgh Fringe show with Laughing Horse.
Will the real Fat Roland please stand up? (2013)

Five star review of Seven Inch.
Four star review of Seven Inch.
The Developed With scheme that suppports all this nonsense.
Fat Roland wins support of The Lowry's flagship 'Developed With' scheme.
Our own Fat Roland joins panel at Manchester Electronic Music Symposium.
Hey Fat Roland! 40 Minutes Of Idiot: 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show with Laughing Horse.
Fat Roland wins Literary Death Match Manchester, 2016.
Kraftwerk Badger Spaceship longlisted in the 2016 Saboteur Awards.
Kraftwerk Badger Spaceship: 2015 Edinburgh Fringe show with Laughing Horse.
Will the real Fat Roland please stand up? (2013)

Click to enlarge any of these.
Show posters 2015–2019:

If you want to book me for a reading, performance, compering, talk, workshop, or just for a chat, then please email me on f@troland.co.uk. Or click this picture:
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

If you want to book me for a reading, performance, compering, talk, workshop, or just for a chat, then please email me on f@troland.co.uk. Or click this picture:
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook