One of July's most significant electronic releases was
Chromeo's Fancy Footwork, their follow-up to 2004's She's In Control.
She's In Control passed me by, like a fart in a strong breeze, but this new album hit me square in the face like a juggernaut full of crap, and the juggernaught itself is made of crap too, just like the whole metaphorical street scene which is made entirely of crap.
If I wanted uber-cool 80s electro funkdaddy disco, I would screw my eyes up like that Japanese guy in Heroes and transport myself to a multi-coloured disco floor full of bad mofos robodancing to the break-down bit of
A-Ha's The Sun Always Shines On TV.
Please forget that last paragraph; I never said it.
If faux-retro
Prince-wannabe lifeless post-
Mika pap is not your bag, then let's move on to look at
Night Of The Brain's debut album Wear This World Out.
This leftfield rock album earns its place on an electronica blog because it's the brainchild (geddit?!?!) of Cristian Vogel from Super_Collider
(Messagesacomin artwork pictured).
The Theme, puked out as an EP a few months ago, owes a debt to tight post-rock, but much of the rest of Wear This World Out is
Pixies-style noisiness with brave side-steps into odd neighbourhoods, such as the disco guitar in Dark Lady.
Vogel's weedy vocals, in strength and drug effect, make this record all-the-more likable.
While I'm doing a bit of catch up, it's worth a skip and a hop back to May's releases and my mobile phone alarm, which is
Apparat's Not A Number.
Every morning the drip-drop insistence of that track shoe-horns me into the real world. It's a shame then that Walls, the album it's from, is liable to send you back to the Land Of Nod faster than you can say "quick let's fill this blog with antiquated literature references".
Walls is a hugely listenable album. My ears have even sent me a thank-you card. But it works as backing music for movies, not as a huge artistic statement.
TV and radio producers take note; you need Apparat in your collection. And if you use it in a programme as a result of reading this, make me look really smug and leave a comment.