The picture you see here is from the 808 State website, but there's a pretty neat photo of me online somewhere sporting the tee in my early 20s, gurning and looking very young.
I also had a t-shirt for their 'Don Solaris' album which said, emblazoned on the front, "there is no love stronger than that between a man and his cock". I never wore it because of any braggadocio - it was just, y'know, cock, hur hur.

It's been so long since I wore band t-shirts. I had a great Smashing Pumpkins "ZERO" long-sleeve, a spacey-looking System 7 shirt, and no doubt a few Orbital ones here and there. I also had a couple with flashing LED lights because they looked great at raves.
It's the 'Gorgeous' one I think of most.
That is, if I ever sit gazing into the distance reminiscing on the t-shirts I loved, which I flipping DON'T.
But if I could get back together with one of them... ah, Gorgeous, we were good together.
Hold on.
Found it!